APJIS Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


The Journal for Information Professionals

Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), a Scopus and ABDC indexed journal, is a
flagship journal of the information systems (IS) field in the Asia Pacific region.

ISSN 2288-5404 (Print) / ISSN 2288-6818 (Online)

Editor : Seung Hyun Kim

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Current Issue

Date March 2022
Vol. No. Vol. 32 No. 1
DOI https://doi.org/10.14329/apjis.2022.32.1.1
Page 1~31
Title Value Co-creation-based Information Management in the Digital Economy
Author Balaji Gopalan
Keyword Co-creation, Learning systems, Information technology, Digital economy
Abstract Personalization and customization of product and service designs involving firms and customers using online design interfaces across the Internet is increasingly being facilitated by brands. Research on the role of information technology and value co-creation across various research disciplines in management has provided learnings on ways to creatively improve products and services by integrating customers and firms in web portals. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the specific attributes of value co-creation between customers and firms relevant to business logic, learnings, projects, personalized products and services, social network innovations, brand management and markets across the Internet for the purpose of enhancing information management of value co-creation for industries and research. The paper draws on published research and industry surveys on how value co-creation is growing in the digital economy. An industry survey of managers who use web portals for their business responded to a questionnaire on how various social, economic and intellectual motivation factors of firm-customer interactions result in value co-creation for customers and firms. These motivation factors can lead to improved learning systems for business process improvements and service management for industries, customers and firms and may also be classified.

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