APJIS Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


The Journal for Information Professionals

Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), a Scopus and ABDC indexed journal, is a
flagship journal of the information systems (IS) field in the Asia Pacific region.

ISSN 2288-5404 (Print) / ISSN 2288-6818 (Online)

Editor : Seung Hyun Kim

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Current Issue

Date June 2023
Vol. No. Vol. 33 No. 2
DOI https://doi.org/10.14329/apjis.2023.33.2.282
Page 282~297
Title How Long Will Your Videos Remain Popular? Empirical Study with Deep Learning and Survival Analysis
Author Min Gyeong Choi, Jae Hong Park
Keyword Online Video, YouTube, Deep Learning, Survival Analysis, Video Popularity
Abstract One of the emerging trends in the marketing field is digital video marketing. Online videos offer rich content typically containing more information than any other type of content (e.g., audible or textual content). Accordingly, previous researchers have examined factors influencing videos¡¯ popularity. However, few studies have examined what causes a video to remain popular. Some videos achieve continuous, ongoing popularity, while others fade out quickly. For practitioners, videos at the recommendation slots may serve as strong communication channels, as many potential consumers are exposed to such videos. So,this study will provide practitioners important advice regarding how to choose videos that will survive as long-lasting favorites, allowing them to advertise in a cost-effective manner. Using deep learning techniques, this study extracts text from videos and measured the videos¡¯ tones, including factual and emotional tones. Additionally, we measure the aesthetic score by analyzing the thumbnail images in the data. We then empirically show that the cognitive features of a video, such as the tone of a message and the aesthetic assessment of a thumbnail image, play an important role in determining videos¡¯ long-term popularity. We believe that this is the first study of its kind to examine new factors that aid in ensuring a video remains popular using both deep learning and econometric methodologies.

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